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Edmonds, WA City Information

Population / Demographics / Quality of Life

Statistical data on Edmonds neighborhoods and outlying areas

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Edmonds Neighborhood Information

Population / Demographics Edmonds

County: Snohomish County

Edmonds is a lively city set along the waterfront of Puget Sound, 18 miles south of Everett. The nearby Amtrak and Sound Transit rails as well as the Washington State Ferry makes it ideal for commuters. The city has been well-established for over 100 years and boasts scenic views of the Puget Sound as well as the Olympic Mountains with easy access to multiple community beaches and waterfront parks in addition to a quaint, walkable downtown.

It is home to a thriving arts and culture scene in addition to many tourist amenities. Community events help bring residents together with a shared civic pride. The desirable neighborhoods and strong economic base help keep Edmonds a thriving residential destination.

The old town area of Edmonds is a merry day to visit a plethora of shops and dining experiences, but the fun doesn't stop there. Just a bit of a longer walk will take you down to the waterfront where one of the regions busiest vehicle ferries can be seen multiple times per day loading passengers and vehicles and also unloading. The pier offers a great way to walk out over the salt water several feet below, and it's not uncommon to see a handful of people fishing from the pier.

Just a short distance away to the south is a boardwalk of sorts and park, and to the north just a short distance away is a beach that is busy in summer and even busy in the fall and winter with beachcombers out for a weekend adventure, many with children along side. If moving here from another part of the country, or even if moving here internationally, your guests are in for a treat when you take them out to explore the city of Edmonds and all that it has to offer.

Edmonds Climate

Temperature data: Avg. January Low - 36
Avg. January High - 47

Avg. July Low - 56
Avg. July High - 75

Population of Edmonds

At 2010 census: 39,709

2016/2017 estimate: 41,840

Demographics of Edmonds

83.4% White
7.1% Asian
5.3% Hispanic
2.6% Black/African-American
1.6% Other

Avg. Age: 47.7

Edmonds Economy

Median Household Income*: $75,044 Per Capita Income (Last 12 months)*: $44,680 12 Month Growth*: +2.79%

*All numbers 2015 data per Data USA Edmonds, WA Economy

Employment by Industry (Top 3): Healthcare and Social Assistance, Retail Trade, Manufacturing

Edmonds Voting

57.16% Democrat
40.33% Republican
2.51% Independent

Edmonds Median Housing Cost

Median Listing Price (2017)*: $1,296,240

Data per

Distance from Edmonds in Miles

Edmonds to Seattle: 17.2 miles / 32 minutes
Edmonds to Vancouver, BC: 132.2 miles / 2 hours 58 minutes

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